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My Wife and the Dog
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Where Is My Mind?
Empire M
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I Want a Solution
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Viva Zalata
The Water-Carrier Is Dead
The Choice
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Malaak wa Shaytan
The Eloquent Peasant{{cite web|url=https://www.facebook.com/Egyptomania.org/posts/movies-the-eloquent-peasant-1969-in-arabic-with-english-subtitles-award-winning-/671772579524042/|title=Egyptomania.org - Movies: "The Eloquent Peasant" (1969)|website=Facebook|accessdate=2019-11-28}}
Sunset and Sunrise
Those People of the Nile
The Game of Each Day
Horse of Mud
The Last-Born
We Are Far from the Sun
Son of the Nile
Cairo 30
Ebn meen fel mogtamaa
Wrathful Journey